I Wish My Employer had a Service Like That!
I was on a plane from Charlotte to Chicago sitting beside a gentleman who told me that he worked for a very large corporation. We discussed the pros and cons of working for a Fortune 500 company in contrast to the much smaller service company…
Are You Afraid to Look at Your Report Card?
Did you hit your open enrollment goals? On average, studies have found more than 30% of an associate's compensation is in the form of the schools' benefits.* If your associates don’t understand their benefits, or aren’t using them at all, the value of those benefits…
Give Your Employees a Wow
In business, we have to make hard decisions. Our CFO asks if we can cut costs here? Can we keep up with the competition? Can we afford the best talent? Is our pricing, right? Can we be the biggest, or the best? At BenefitVision, we…
What We Know About Technology
In our current society, everything is based around technology. It might be hard to think back to a time where you had to mail a handwritten letter instead of typing up a quick email. There have been extreme advancements in communication among other areas. Many…
Optimizing Enrollment and Improving Employee Engagement
Is there a role for “guided enrollments” in today’s self-service age? It used to be that it didn’t matter if you understood your benefits. Employers gave them to you. Then costs starting going up and employers wanted you to start sharing the cost. Benefit choices,…
Communication – People Helping People
Even in a technological world, there are still some aspects which require a human touch. When calling a customer service line in addition to a fear of being put on hold for a long time, there is a threat of bad music, and a disembodied,…
Why does everyone hate Open Enrollment?
With increases in the cost of employee benefits, Benefits Departments continue the search for effective cost containment strategies. Most employers are extremely busy re-evaluating benefit plan options, shopping for new providers, raising employee contribution levels and searching for increased efficiencies within their HR technology strategies. …
Self-Service alone sounds good but does not work
Benefit Enrollment is much more than just the mechanics. Helping to insure employees understand and appreciate their benefits works best when employees can speak one-on-one with a knowledgeable benefits representative whose focus is on helping the employee understand his or her options and helping them through…