Creating an Enrollment Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico seemed like a brilliant idea giving the benefit enrollment firm BenefitVision greatly expanded call center staffing and bilingual support. That is until Maria happened.
Obviously, the Maria referred to is the once in a century hurricane that blew the Island to tatters, not Maria Torres, BVI-PR’s Managing Director.

Today the Managing Director Maria reports that after nearly three weeks of slow recovery the Enrollment Center is fully back up and operating on grid power with excellent generator power back up if the grid power drops for some reason.
Employees have struggled with things like fuel shortages and washed out roads, but BVI-PR set up car pools and found other ways to help employees connect.

She reports employees at the Enrollment Center are particularly grateful to BenefitVision and to USRBP, the company with which BenefitVision recently affiliated. With most still without power at home, they are grateful to have a job to come to and an airconditioned place to work.

And, it is reported that many have been moved to tears after the amazing financial support BVI and USRBP extended to every one of the current employees. With both companies giving $500 for a total of $1000 to every employee, the missed time from work, hurricane repairs, lost food, and so forth became just a bit more manageable.

Maria reports “I was truly moved to receive the relief help from our BVI Family. When we handed out the checks, there was hardly a word spoken as I looked around at my fellow employees. No one uttered much more than a soft “thank you.” There was nothing more to say. The moment was very somber as tears welled up in everyone’s eyes, no one wanting to actually cry, but to be strong, not just for themselves, but for each other.”

She goes on “Life here has been extremely difficult for us since the storm. Knowing that BVI & USRBP cares this much and is so dedicated to us… I am filled with gratitude and respect. Personally, I have never received such support from a company here or anywhere else in my life. I feel truly blessed and honored to be working for and with such wonderful people.”

BenefitVision CEO Ron Kleiman noted that the entire BenefitVision/USRBP family is proud to work with such a strong and resilient group of people. Open Enrollment season is going to be that much better because of their participation.

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